
 Eliminate all other assassins in the game.

 At the beginning of the game, you are assigned a target. You must hunt down and "tag" that target, using one of the     approved weapons. Should you succeed at eliminating your target, your target's target becomes your new target. This  cycle continues until the end of the game, when only one remains. Tags can only be made in the head and torso region! Don't be that guy who argues the tag, if you get killed odds are that person deserved the kill. Be honest and fair.

 Defensive Tag
 Should you find out who is hunting you, you can also tag them. Everyone else in the game is off-limits, until they  become either your assassin or your target.

 Code Name
 Each player creates a code name, that is known only to the player. It is your responsibility to keep your code name  secret--it is not to be divulged until your death.
  • All tags must be submitted to the email within 24 hours of them happening. Otherwise the tag is invalid and the tagged person remains in the game (See "Kill Confirmations" in the tab above for more details).

 Off-limits locations

  • Any Hopkins school-owned property. This includes the parking lots of Hopkins, fields, anywhere. This also includes bus stops.
  • Any places of worship. This has been expanded to include that people are safe if they are inside a building for the purpose of attending a religious class or activity. This means, for example, someone attending a religious class at the Jewish Community Center is safe, but someone that just goes to the building to use their pool is not.
  • School sports--games and practices are off-limits. This includes any organized club sports that are comprised entirely of students from the Hopkins School District. If any sports need to be specifically clarified they should contact the director (Austin).
  • Parking lots at practices and games that are NOT on Hopkins property are SAFE. Athletes en route to a competition or on the way back are safe until they arrive back at school. However, if both you and your target are attending a game or practice for a sport neither of you are a part of, neither of you are safe.
  • Ultimate frisbee has been a sport of controversy. Ultimate players cannot be killed when they are on the field practicing or playing a game. If their practice or game is NOT on school property, however, they may be killed in the parking lot. Also, Ultimate players will be safe the entirety of any trip the take with the team, including teammate to teammate tags. Once the team is back in town and off high school property, they are no longer safe.
  • Austin Oakes's home and property
  • Any workplace, if the target works there, and is “on the clock.” This includes breaks. Once clocked out and outside of the building, they are fair game.
  • Bathrooms.
  • The McDonald's on Shady Oak Road on 4/20................
  • Inside any private residence, including garages, unless you are invited in by someone that lives at that residence. To clarify: you are safe inside, you are not safe outside. Fenced backyards are not safe. Keep in mind you can shoot into these areas from the outside. You can't break into their house, hide for hours, and then tag a player when they come home, UNLESS you are invited in by someone who lives there. 
  • During your own graduation party, even if it isn't on your own property.
  • Inside any building where the target is attending a college class. This is to ensure that students enrolled in PSEO can attend classes without fear. College campuses, however, are fair game.
  • School-affiliated field trips.
  • AP testing sites and parking lots of AP testing sites.
  • There is a ceasefire for prom, which extends the entire day of prom to 6AM the next day. Afterparty busts the next morning are to be expected and typically work out well.
  • PROPEL Mentorships
  • Any location where the target is volunteering. Parking lots of these locations are okay.
  • Other Hopkins activities, such as Orchestra, Choir, Band, or Theater among others have the same rules as sports. Targets cannot be tagged while at any kind of practice or performance or in the parking lot after or before.
  • Again, you may shoot into off-limits areas, just not shoot while in them.

     Allowed Weaponry

    • Fake, plastic swords/axes/lightsabers/other blades
    • Toy fishes, like this one are heavily encouraged, they make excellent weapons.
      -If anyone make a tag with a fish, you will earn a high five and my respect. 
    • Sock’em Boppers! You get bonus points1 if you make a kill with Sock’em Boppers.
    • Nerf/Nerf knock-off weaponry
    • Water guns
    • Marshmallow guns/weaponry
    • Nerf Tomahawks 
    • Rubber-band, BB, Airsoft, and paintball guns are very, very disallowed.
    • Water Balloons—outdoor use ONLY. 
    Sorry, no drive-bys, it's against the law to throw objects into and out of moving vehicles. You can shoot something out of a vehicle ONLY if it is stopped and off. Also, assassins who use motorcycles/mopeds, etc. are safe while the keys are in the ignition. However, once the vehicle is off, the target is fair game.
    Any weapon not on this list is disallowed. Any realistic weapon that could frighten bystanders or draw unwanted attention to the game is also very much disallowed. Use common sense with where you bring weapons: The Director is not taking any responsibility if you get in trouble for bringing one where you shouldn't.
    You may not damage anyone's property. Wet isn't damaged unless it's something that breaks when it is wet. Use common sense, here. Getting someone's shirt wet is okay, dropping their laptop into a lake is not.
    Any kill or attempted kill that violates any governmental law, rule, or regulation will result in the disqualification of all involved players.

    1. Bonus points don't actually do anything

     Physical Coercion

    Players are not allowed to tackle, restrain, or hold down other players, nor are they allowed to have someone else restrain their target for them. This opens up opportunity for injury and just contradicts the spirit of the game. If a player is injured intentionally by another player, the one responsible will be disqualified immediately.


    Assassins are encouraged to use decoys in their pursuit of kills. Decoys can be incredibly effective, if used correctly. However, to maintain competitive equity, decoys may not shoot at (or otherwise attempt to tag) assassins, even if they intentionally miss.


    If there is a dispute, contact me via Facebook or text. Any disagreements will be worked out as reasonably and fairly as possible. If you have witnesses that saw the disputed tag, especially if you aren't closely associated with them, it will help your case.

    Wanted List and Disqualifications

     If multiple weeks pass before you get any tags (either normal or D-Tag), you may be placed on the  wanted list. While on the wanted list, any cop in the game may assassinate you. This is to encourage  people to take risks and attempt to get tags, instead of just hiding in their houses.
     Cops will be recruited from assassins that have been eliminated. Anyone interested in becoming a cop  should contact the directors upon their death.
     Assassins on the wanted list may tag cops. In this case, the cop is not eliminated, but they may no longer tag that assassin for the duration of the game.
     There will be a cash prize for the deadliest cop in the game.


     Prizes will be awarded to the top five assassins. Additional cash prizes will be given to the assassin with the first kill, most creative kill, and the deadliest cop. (More prizes may be added at the end of the game)