Thursday, May 15, 2014
D-TAG! RIP Rachel Buckner aka "Regina Phalange"
After a long practice getting ready for true team tomorrow the last thing I was thinking about was assassins. But thankfully I was paying some attention. As I pulled up to my house I didn't see the pecullar new car sitting across the street. Luckily I saw her getting out of her car! I thought about running inside but what fun would that be? I stayed in my car and took out my water gun. After staring at each other for five minutes I rolled my window down and we both shot each other at the same time. Is this a first? We tied! What to do now. We decided to ask Austin, he suggested that we spoon fight it out until someone dies. So that what we did I ran inside grabbed a spoon and came outside for the duel of the year. On three we attacked! Neither one of knew what we were doing. We dodged, dipped, ducked, and rolled. I'm pretty sure she did a backflip to avoid my flying Kung fu spoon. But thank god for my long arms. One quick jab to the chest and I had victory. You put up one hell of a fight and went down with honor. RIP